ISSBD (International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development)2019年6月 香港大学にて大学院生・研究者対象の研修(旅費・宿泊等学会側負担)12月14日応募〆切り(募集期間延長)
(掲載日:2018年10月28日)ISSBD (International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development)2019年6月 香港大学にて大学院生・研究者対象の研修(旅費・宿泊等学会側負担)12月14日応募〆切り
Theme: Parenting Among Asians
Dates: June 25-28, 2019 (Tuesday to Friday)
Location: Hong Kong
Venue: Conference Center, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
Hosted by: Department of Educational Psychology and Department of Psychology, CUHK
Keynote speakers (in alphabetical order): Dr. Michael Bond, Dr. Marc Bornstein, Dr. Charissa Cheah, Dr. Xinyin Chen, Dr. Pamela Cole, Dr. Patricia Greenfield, Dr. Sara Harkness, Dr. Susan Holloway, Dr. Eva Pomerantz, Dr. Charles Super, Dr. Qi Wang, and Dr. Yoko Yamamoto
This workshop is intended for early career scholars (who either obtained their doctoral degree no earlier than May, 2009 or are currently enrolled in a doctoral program) *residing in East, Southeast and South Asia*. There is *no registration fee* for the workshop. Moreover, participants will be *provided with accommodation, meals, and a travel allocation* based on their locations that is expected to cover most or all of the airfare.
The application deadline is *November 30, 2018*. For further information, please see the attached or visit
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